The market offers a variety of radon sensors for different applications. A functioning system often requires an integration of these sensors with the necessary actuators (e.g. fans). Thanks to our experience in measurement, control and communication technology, we can handle this integration for our customers in an uncomplicated way. The most common functions from our developments:
- Warning systems for construction sites
- Control of fans and other ventilation systems of any manufacturer
- Integration of radon sensors into any building technology, process control systems, PLC systems
- Remote reading of sensors in buildings that do not have such a system

The RadonWarner device allows for remote monitoring and generates alerts when the Radonconcentration exceeds a limit which can be configured.

The RadonKnight is a smart fan control unit. In addition to a radon sensor, a warning semaphore and a telemetry connection, it provides 4 power sockets for fans which can be individually switched at configurable Radon-Levels.